Nepacrafts - The Glorious 10 Years
NepaCrafts has completed those glorious ten years of time. As in life, the company has seen lots of ups and downs but we keep up striving and believing in our dream to reach our goal. And as a result, we all can proudly rejoice the 10 years’ anniversary. It is an occasion to look back over the years of making differences to individual and society at large.
Recalling our journey, it feels like it was just a year back when the name NepaCrafts Product was finalized, where the meaningful name “Nepa” represents our beautiful country Nepal and “Crafts” represents all those wonderful creation of arts by our artist. Prajwol Shrestha, the founder of NepaCrafts Product, who studied in Hannover, Germany, returned to Nepal with a dream plan and a clear vision to promote Nepalese and Tibetan Art and Culture and empower women creation to uplift the living standard of Nepalese people. Hence, “NepaCrafts Product” was born.
Customer visiting us from Canada
In the beginning, NepaCrafts started its journey with a few handicrafts products, and it was hard to gain customer trust from around the world. It was obvious, as for the sustainability of any e-commerce business, it was important to build trust between buyer and seller. However, NepaCrafts never thought of doing only business and earning an abundance of profits, rather we focused mainly on connecting with the customer, offering the quality products, knowing customer’s desire, and building trust.
Thus, as a result of a year of operation, NepaCrafts was able to gain many valuable customers. And with the passing passage of time, NepaCrafts started to grow not only in terms of products but in terms of people working as a team, valuable artists and of course most importantly its customer. But, it was not easier for us to survive in this competitive marketplace. There were many internal and external factors that hindered in the functioning of our business.
The external factor that hindered most in the functioning of our company was the problem of load shedding in Nepal. There was a time when the electricity was cut for about 18-20 hours a day. And as, our business was solely depended upon the customers from all around the world, it was difficult for us to run the office with the electricity backup. We still remember managing those four hours a day to check emails and prepare the products for delivery. Sometimes the product delivery was slow and sometimes, we could not manage to reply to our customer in time, but we are glad we managed those hard times together and overcame every possible problem.
Customer visiting us from Germany
However, the hard-hitting point for our business was a Earthquake of 7.9 magnitudes, which took place on 25th April 2015. About 9000 Nepalese people lost their life. Many artists leave for their home town to rebuild their house, which was destroyed in the earthquake. Some of our suppliers stopped working in this field as their workplace was fully destroyed by the earthquake, and some artisans even went to gulf country to work. Many customer orders were pending as the work was not completed. And, some of our valued customers even canceled their order as we could not deliver on time. Thus, that was the most challenging period we faced during those 10 years period, but with proper planning and good teamwork, we overcame those challenges and improved ourselves with better customer services and products.
Started from half kg packet parcel to container shipments to the United States, NepaCrafts has seen lots of obstacles within these ten years of journey. Nevertheless, it is because of the constant support and the trust of our customers that we have been able to reach the ten years of the timeline. The positive feedback provided by our customers has encouraged us to plan and do better, whereas, the negative feedbacks have helped us to learn and acknowledge the areas of improvements. These consistent feedbacks, have helped us to iterate our work for better results and inspired us to focus on our aims and goals.
Farewell for our team member Mr Aadit Shrestha
The aim of NepaCrafts is to empower women and their creations, and also provide a platform and the support to the local artists from Nepal and Tibet. And now, as we look back to our 10 years journey, we feel really great to have more than 500 women artisans working with us and being independent in their life. Moreover, we acknowledge that the success of the business should not only be measured in terms of amount. Rather a successful business is that how many valuable customers it has gained and what benefits it is giving back to society.
Looking at all these efforts we have made to come to this point, we can proudly say that “Yes, NepaCrafts is successful” in both gaining trust of customers and improving the lives of the artist which was the core aim of commencement of our company. We have around 15000 customers ordering from us including major wholesale buyer from Chile, France, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and The United States, and we hope the number will increase and multiply in the coming years as well.
Lastly, We would like to thank our artists, suppliers, customers, and our NepaCrafts Product’s team, for the remarkable ten years of cooperation, support, and love. We couldn’t have done it without you, nor we can do it further.
We strive to share, adapt and become impactful professionals we can be. Let’s keep this going and growing, for the next ten years and more.
Thank you for everything.
Attending the Marriage Reception from Mr Sunil Kafle
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