Bishna Pradhan is a single mother of two children. She is 38 years of age and currently works at New Saddle. At the age of 8, Bishna was diagnosed with leprosy. She was soon taken to the Surkhet hospital by her father and was admitted for further treatment. Her father was also diagnosed with leprosy and had a difficult life. Her family has sound economic background but still she wanted to do something in life with her own. As the treatment continued for many months, she was permitted to stay in the hospital till she was completely cured.
At hospital, she learned simple arithmetic and Nepali letters with the help of hospital staff. She was always eager to learn new things. One fine day, a person came to the hospital and invited her to Green Pasture hospital which is one of the most renowned hospitals for the treatment of leprosy. The hospital also provides training to the patients so that they can become self dependent in their lives. After some weeks, she was suggested to visit New Sadle and meet Mr. Chitra Bahadur K.C., executive director of New Sadle-a fair trade guaranteed organization.
After the meeting, she decided to join New Sadle. She took training at the organization and has been working as a tailor since 1999.
She is an independent woman who has inspired many lives to take the opportunities in life. She is a single mother of two beautiful kids, one 9 grader son and one 4 grader daughter who both study at Lovely Angels English Medium School run by New Sadle. She does not regret her husband leaving her to marry another woman because she now believes that her life is fully devoted to raising her kids in the best way possible.
We are absolutely thrilled and honored to bring her products to you. Every purchase you make will ensure that she continues her work and is able to support her dream.